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in Policing

Funding Snapshots

The Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser has developed snapshots of funders that run funding calls deemed of interest for policing research, innovation or evaluation projects. 

The Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser has developed snapshots of funders that run funding calls deemed of interest for policing research, innovation or evaluation projects. We have endeavoured to make it clear where these opportunities are available to policing to apply to themselves (as a lead) vs. those only available to policing through partner organisations.

We have provided a summary for each funder, capturing the most important information, but further details will be available via the funders’ websites, and we recommend you check these details for yourself before applying. This is not a fully comprehensive list, the opportunities listed here are deemed of particular relevance for police research, innovaiton and evaluation projects. However, please do let us know via [email protected] of further opportunities you are aware of for us to include.

Academic institutions will be directly eligible to a number of funding calls that policing are not, such as the Leverhulme Trust’s research project grants, The British Academy’s Research Projects and the Royal Academy of Engineering's UK Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. We recommend engaging with your academic partners to identify any opportunities to support and shape their research, as well as their applications to these calls where relevant to policing. Policing is an attractive partner for academic research as we provide opportunities for research to have direct impact, which bolsters an academic institution’s evidence base of their research investment benefits; this in turn supports their returns under the Research Excellence Framework.

On completion of your project there is the opportunity for evaluation funding via the College of Policing. The Practice Bank helps to identify initiatives, innovation and promising practice that would benefit from further replication and evaluation. By sharing any practice examples to the Practice Bank, not only will this help develop the evidence base of what works in policing, but those that are most promising and could be widely replicated in other forces are reviewed for potential funded follow-on evaluation.

Funder Snapshots