Innovation & Industry Engagement
Policing is a highly innovative sector. From local frontline units through to national cross-cutting programmes, investment in innovation enables us to develop, test, and de-risk potential solutions to some of the most complex and enduring challenges facing the service. Leading to the implementation of new and novel technologies that allow us to serve the public more efficiently and effectively.
We are dedicated to working in partnership with policing, law enforcement agencies, criminal justice partners, government, and industry to ensure local innovations that are demonstrated to improve outcomes are evaluated and scaled. We are developing policing’s first national innovation repository, led by our national Research & Innovation Network, which will provide a living picture of innovation investment and impact across policing.
Industry remains a critical partner in delivering our science and technology strategy, and can bring unique insights and lessons on what works from other sectors into policing. As the technology landscape becomes more complex, issues of interoperability, transparency, and agility to change become ever-more crucial. We will increasingly engage industry partners on behalf of policing, maintaining a strong challenge focused approach, and improving outcomes across the breadth of our service lines and horizons.
We will continue to engage with industry partners of all sizes on key policing science and technology priorities, both directly, and through our key strategic partnerships including the Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE), the Defence & Security Accelerator (DASA), Police Digital Service (PDS), and TechUK.