Research is integral to the development and implementation of science and technology in policing. It plays a vital role in addressing both the current problems facing society and when considering and planning for future trends in criminality.
The Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser will support transparent and open research and innovation, and it will promote research integrity across the policing ecosystem through good research conduct and governance.

Insights from the Police Science Council: September 2024
The Police Science Council (PSC) is a publicly appointed, independent expert committee which brings world-leading science and social science expertise from academic and industry. Each quarter…
New guidance to support policing in obtaining funding for research, innovation and evaluation
The Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser has developed a set of guidance for those looking to secure funding opportunities for policing research and innovation.

Insights from the Generative AI Academic Advisory Group: September 2024
The Generative AI (GAI) Academic Advisory Group (AAG) is an informal, voluntary advisory group where members provide their expertise on deepfake technology and the threat it poses to UK law enforcement.

Insights from the Generative AI Academic Advisory Group: June 2024
The Generative AI (GAI) Academic Advisory Group (AAG) is an informal, voluntary advisory group where members provide their expertise on deepfake technology and the threat it poses to UK law enforcement.
Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response and Contact Technologies in Policing
Edinburgh Napier University have published the results of the three year INTERACT study which concluded in November 2024.
NPCC Prevention Coordination Committee: Economic Analysis - Practitioner Guidance
This document has been produced by the NPCC Prevention Coordination Committee with the support of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser to help improve the quality and quantity of economic analysis in policing and wider…

Innovation Mapping Report
The OPCSA has published the results of an extensive mapping exercise which took place in March 2023, which captured force level innovations across the country.

Insights from the Police Science Council: March 2024
The Police Science Council (PSC) is a publicly appointed, independent expert committee which brings world-leading science and social science expertise from academic and industry. Each quarter…

Insights from the Police Science Council: January 2024
The Police Science Council (PSC) is a publicly appointed, independent expert committee which brings world-leading science and social science expertise from academic and industry. Each quarter…

Insights from the Police Science Council: June 2023
The Police Science Council (PSC) is a publicly appointed, independent expert committee which brings world-leading science and social science expertise from academic and industry. Each quarter…

Policing Areas of Research Interest
To help partners understand and solve our challenges, we have published Policing’s Areas of Research Interest (ARIs). These ARIs capture priority science, technology, analysis and research challenges that, if addressed…

The Police Industry Charter
UK policing is a high-volume consumer of products and services, which are becoming increasingly science and technology focused.
Tackling Organized Exploitation E-Magazine Issue 7
This e-magazine, which is published by TOEX on a quarterly basis, provides the opportunity to share operational updates of interest, demonstrating the value added by the national and regional TOEX teams…