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Insights from the Police Science Council: September 2024
The Police Science Council (PSC) is a publicly appointed, independent expert committee which brings world-leading science and social science expertise from academic and industry. Each quarter…
New guidance to support policing in obtaining funding for research, innovation and evaluation
The Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser has developed a set of guidance for those looking to secure funding opportunities for policing research and innovation.
Case study

Project Minerva - a data-driven solution to reducing VAWG
Project Minerva is a collaborative research initiative which has developed a statistical mapping tool to identify high-risk public place areas for violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Essex…

Insights from the Generative AI Academic Advisory Group: September 2024
The Generative AI (GAI) Academic Advisory Group (AAG) is an informal, voluntary advisory group where members provide their expertise on deepfake technology and the threat it poses to UK law enforcement.